Astronaut-Game is a decentralized application built on the Binance Smart Chain. It is a fork of „The BUSD Crop Farmer“. The object of the game is to hire more Astronauts sooner and more often It is a fork of „The BUSD Crop Farmer“. The object of the game is to hire more Astronauts sooner and more often SD Crop Farmer“. The object of the
Last Wallet Address 0xwif7447uvuyvw8evw8e7cv8wivw7ee7vw345kj5g
If there are no purchases of miners in the amount of $ 100 or more within an hour after you, then the entire amount of Time pool will automatically be credited to your wallet. This is guaranteed by a smart contract
Buy Miners
000.0000 BUSD
000.0000 BUSD
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Re-Mines & Sell
My Miners
My Rewards
00.00000 BUSD
Your referral rewards will be sent straight to your wallet, you don't have to withdraw it.